41 Reasons To Love Twitter

I love Twitter.

Although it can be noisy and overwhelming at times, I’m on Twitter all day long. It’s a big part of both my personal and professional life.

Lately, Twitter has been under fire from Wall Street because they’re struggling to attract new users to the platform. Although I know many fellow Twitter addicts, I also know an equal number of people who have absolutely no interest in it.

I can understand why they have no interest. It does indeed take some effort to learn, and a fair amount of discipline to keep it organized, but you can get a TON of value out of Twitter if you do it right. 

I’m sure I’ll add more to this list over time, but as of today, here are the top 41 reasons why I love Twitter…

  1. Get the latest news
  2. Follow live events
  3. Make new connections
  4. Strengthen existing relationships
  5. Stay in touch with old friends
  6. Read
  7. Learn
  8. Develop new skills
  9. Build referral relationships
  10. Generate sales opportunities
  11. Community management
  12. Competitor research
  13. Build your personal brand
  14. Build your business brand
  15. Foster customer loyalty
  16. Enable employee advocacy
  17. Follow politics
  18. Learn what’s happening in your city, your province/state, your country
  19. Compliment
  20. Complain
  21. Be inspired
  22. Get motivated
  23. Get healthy
  24. Pursue your hobbies
  25. Discover new music
  26. Discover new books
  27. Discover new recipes
  28. Discover new podcasts
  29. Watch jaw-dropping GoPro videos of crazy extreme athletes
  30. Interact with people live-streaming their POV
  31. Follow celebrity antics
  32. Hear the latest buzz about movies or TV
  33. Keep in touch with the latest in technology and gadgets
  34. Feast your eyes on incredible photography
  35. Experience other cultures
  36. Laugh
  37. Be sarcastic
  38. Be clever
  39. Be kind
  40. Be happy
  41. Be helpful

How about you? What are your favourite reasons for using Twitter?

If I missed any good ones, please let me know in the comments!

Update: Feb. 23rd, 1:47pm

LOL! My Mom just emailed me to say that I forgot to add “procrastinate” to the list. So true! #busted